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The new year has seen equity markets continue their seemingly unstoppable march higher. Given the substantial outperformance of ‘growth’ stocks over the past decade – and 2019 in particular – there is currently a robust debate around whether it’s time to switch to a more ‘value’ oriented portfolio. In my view, this is an over-simplification […]
A Cash Management Trust account is an investment product rather than a straightforward bank account so it has a few different characteristics when compared to a cash management account or a savings account. It is important that investors be aware of the differences so that they can make informed investment choices when they are deciding […]
Interest rate securities are a class of investment where, essentially, you lend money to a company or institution which pays you interest for a period of time. Some loans are perpetual and you only get your money back by selling the loan to another investor. However most of the products are for a fixed period […]
A term deposit is an account where you can deposit cash and generally receive a higher rate of interest than a savings account. As such it can be an ideal investment for someone who requires regular and guaranteed income. However, don’t underestimate their usefulness for any portfolio. What is a Term Deposit? It is an investment where […]
Compound interest has been described by Albert Einstein as ‘The most powerful force in the universe’ Compound interest is a fundamental component of wealth creation and by understanding just this one principle, you can make a significant difference to your financial independence over the long term. Compound interest means that you receive interest, not only […]
“Winners think differently.. it is not how much you know, though knowledge is important. It is not how hard you work, though nothing worthwhile is achieved without hard work. It is not the depth of your experience, though you cannot become a seasoned operator without it. The real difference is the way winners think”. These are […]
Risk is a word that is used continually in financial circles and most people see risk as meaning that they might lose all their money! The fact is that every investment has some risk and the key is to understand the risks so that you can weigh up the pro’s and con’s of each investment […]
Fundamental analysis attempts to determine the value of a company by analysing the financial data from the annual report and using other qualitative data about the company and the environment in which they operate. This value is often called ‘intrinsic value’. Fundamental analysis assumes that over the long term, a stock price will reflect […]
There is no foolproof stock picking strategy. Fundamental investing strategies are simply applications of theories and sometimes two seemingly opposite strategies can be successful. It is important, whichever strategy you choose, that it fits your personality, the time you have available and your risk tolerance. Let’s take a look at some different types of fundamental […]