Skip to contentThe new year has seen equity markets continue their seemingly unstoppable march higher. Given the substantial outperformance of ‘growth’ stocks over the past decade – and 2019 in particular – there is currently a robust debate around whether it’s time to switch to a more ‘value’ oriented portfolio. In my view, this is an over-simplification […]The affairs of the AIA are managed by our National Council (Board of Directors). The Council meets in person generally three to four times per year in person, and meets by teleconference at least monthly. Your current Council includes:- Peter Dawson Chair Marina Cardillo Deputy Chair Marina graduated from The University of Sydney as a […]No-one likes to talk about getting old, but when you or a family member needs help, there’s no getting around it. And with the COVID-19 pandemic and the Royal Commission putting aged care well in the spotlight this year, many people are questioning what choices they have for care in their older years. When should […]The Australian Investors Association (AIA) represents and advocates for a group of self-directed investors who choose to make their own decisions about their investments. The AIA is a national not-for profit organisation. Many of our members are self-funded retirees and many members use the tax provisions of superannuation to extend the life of their retirement […]A Cash Management Trust account is an investment product rather than a straightforward bank account so it has a few different characteristics when compared to a cash management account or a savings account. It is important that investors be aware of the differences so that they can make informed investment choices when they are deciding […]The Australian Investment Association is a not for profit organisation dedicated to providing independent quality investment information helping Australians to decide their financial future. First formed in 1991, we act with integrity and are not aligned to any institution which allows us to filter and hand select the best possible information for our members. We do not […]The AIA has over 2,500 active investors from diverse backgrounds. Many are highly experienced and sophisticated investors, who are happy to share some of their insights and key pieces of information, which has often taken them many years to develop. AIA members have no product or service to promote. They are simply here to help. […]In each state, the AIA has a locally elected State Chairperson, and a state committee. State Chairs and State Committees Each state committee manages the affairs of the Association locally. These committees have responsibility to arrange local functions and provide support for our members at the local level. The current State Committees are:- New South WalesChair:Hannah Schwartz […]We republish this work with permission of the author Aswath Damodaran, a Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University. We all dream of beating the market and being super investors. So, we are easy prey for the magic bullets and the secret formulae offered by eager salespeople pushing their wares. In spite of our best efforts, […]Technical analysis offers a more visual view of evaluating a stock. It is based on the belief that all that is known about a stock is reflected in its price and volume. Technical analysis is also called charting. The aim of technical analysis is to identify trends, patterns and trading signals and use them to […]A slowing economy and rising interest rates will make earnings growth harder to come by in 2023, according to investment manager Ausbil. However, “the beauty of quality dividend paying stocks is that they tend to perform well across the cycle,” according to Michael Price, Portfolio Manager, Ausbil Active Dividend Income Fund. Capturing dividends “In the […]This October Budget is the second Federal Budget for 2022 and the first by the Albanese government. As expected, the 2022-2023 October Federal Budget has focused, on families, education, health and aged care, energy and affordable housing. From an SMSF perspective it is a relatively quiet Budget with some welcome announcements. The following is a […]