Starting any new company can be a daunting prospect. Even more frightening: investing your own money into a risky business concept that could easily fail upon launch.
So how do you hedge your bets to make it a success? Plus, how can you make your business more attractive to investors?
What is Diversification?
Growth Strategies
- Penetration
- Product Development
- Market Development
- Diversification
What are the types of diversification strategies?
- Concentric Diversification
- Horizontal Diversification
- Conglomerate Diversification
Concentric Diversification
Horizontal Diversification
Conglomerate Diversification
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What companies use a diversification strategy?
Growth Strategies
- Need to mitigate market risk
- Need to protect their business from the competition
- Need to increase their profits and variety of products stocked
Mitigate Risk
- The porter’s attractiveness test
- The cost of entry is less than predicted future profits
- The better-off test: do these new products have a synergy or competitive advantage?
Examples of Successful Diversification
Another company that has benefitted from diversification is Apple. They used horizontal diversification to expand their product range from computers to iPods. This created an interlinked range of products that beautifully complimented each other and created an exclusivity to owning Apple. No doubt, this led to the release of the first iPhone, and well, the rest is history!
Finally, Disney took a risk to diversify with theme parks after building their company first within the tv and film industry. The company’s ability to commercialise animated characters has also led to profit streams in their cruise experience, alongside branded products ranging from clothing to technology.
So, is diversification the right growth strategy for you?