Shares: A Guide to Investing in Equities

Shares have been traded on markets for many years and are a popular investment vehicle for investors. In one way or another, whether you own them directly or are exposed to them through your industry super fund, shares will more than likely be a significant component of your overall net worth.

Gaining an understanding of shares is important especially if you currently have or intend to have direct exposure to this asset class. Shares are often referred to as equities and there is a lot of information that has already been written on this topic.

This section allows you to explore shares and how to invest in them in some detail and to make it easy to find your way around we’ve organised the information into key topic areas. Where relevant we’ve provided links to other useful sources of information.

  • Understanding shares – Before you jump in and buy your first share it is important to understand the basics – different types, pros and cons, franking credits and ASX sectors.
  • Mechanics of share investing – gain a practical understanding of the mechanics of share investing including how to buy and sell, choosing a broker, initial public offerings and corporate actions.
  • Fundamental analysis – learn more about fundamental analysis including fundamental investing strategies that might be right for you.
  • Technical analysis – learn what technical analysis is and whether it might suit your investing style.
  • Combining fundamental & technical analysis – learn more about the practicalities of combining fundamental and technical analysis in your investment strategy.
  • Getting started with shares – use this section as a ‘check list’ to help you get started, including investment plans, paper trading and sources of information.
  • Exchange traded funds – find out what ETFs are and how they might be used in an investment portfolio.
  • Listed investment companies – find out how LICs are a great way to gain market exposure when you are first starting out or as part of your long term investment strategy.
  • Derivatives – gain an understanding of how derivatives may be used as an investment on their own or as a mechanism to strategically protect your portfolio.

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