AIA membership gives you exclusive access to our local discussion groups, ‘best in class’ national conference and access to some of the best investment professionals in the market.
Our thousands of members are based all around Australia. They value the ability to talk freely without pressure, with other investors about various asset classes, funds, superannuation, insurance, taxation and pensions. So, why not join the Australian Investor’s Association, learn about the benefits and some of the pitfalls and most importantly extend your community?
Sign up for just $125, or a discounted two year rate of $195 to receive the following benefits below.
Be part of our strong community
We are one of Australia’s largest groups of independent investors and have 20 local groups meeting fortnightly or monthly in five states and the ACT. See our ‘Meeting and Discussion Group Coordinators’ to find a group near you. Even if you travel regularly, you are most welcome to sit in with any group., Meet new like-minded, inquisitive people, who make their own investment decisions. New members have access to personal investors with years of experience – some have been investing for over 50 years!
Attend investment presentations
Learn from professionals in the industry speaking on wide-ranging topics from macro viewpoints, SMSF management, portfolio construction and more.
Enjoy exclusive online sessions from top financial experts covering wide ranging, up to the minute financial and investment topics. Complete with Q&A for any questions you may have. While COVID-19 restrictions are in place and face to face meetings reduced, we will provide weekly webinars fortnightly on Tuesdays at 1:00pm.
Get exclusive access to top quality content and information. See our Resources page.
Regular online newsletters
Keep up to date with the latest news and events, including hearing from our own members.
Generous discounts to our ‘best in class’ annual conference
Each July we head to the Gold Coast for a four day, jam packed annual event. The conference offers over 40 presentations and a unique, special half day session on the Sunday prior to the main event.
This is a fantastic opportunity to mix with members from other states, enjoy some Winter sunshine and of course learn what’s happening and what’s new in the investing landscape.
Past presentations and webinars
Missed an event or want to rewatch a webinar? You can download the video and slides from past presentations through our membership portal.
Special reports and AIA exclusive publications
Get exclusive access to special reports and AIA publications when they are released.
Engage in discussion groups
These groups meet regularly so you connect with like-minded individuals. Discuss what’s on your mind with people just like you. Find your group once you sign up. Can’t find one? Set up your own discussion group for your area.
National annual summit and other events
Our summit, and events scattered across the year feature top speakers updating members on the latest news and changes to the investment landscape in Australia. Attended by members far and wide, including those from interstate.