How To Pick the Best R&D; Tax Consultant

When it comes to getting the most out of your R&D tax credit, hiring an R&D advisor, also known as the R&D tax advisor, is usually the best strategy. In Australia, there are hundreds of companies offering R&D tax incentive services. They range from one man/woman outfits to companies employing hundreds of tax relief specialists. […]

R&D; Forward Financing – The 2022 Guide

This is our short guide to R&D forward lending, updated regularly to help you understand if this type of loan is for you and to see why it’s an easy way to access capital that a lot of innovative companies in Australia are using in 2020. What is R&D Forward Financing? Call it Forward Funding […]

The Ultimate Guide to the R&D Tax Incentive

This is everything you’ve ever wanted (or not wanted) to know about the R&D tax incentive in Australia, we’re not kidding. This guide contains everything we know about this most excellent tax incentive, still, if you want to have a leisurely ride through the process and make sure you’re getting every penny you’re eligible for, […]

Who qualifies for R&D; finance?

As the economy shifts more and more toward rewarding innovation, the types of financing that companies can access have followed this trend as well. Both through the government and the private sector, a wide variety of support mechanisms and funding schemes have popped up. This means that entrepreneurs aren’t limited to having to sell equity […]

Do you really need an R&D; advisor?

Since 2011, the research and development tax credit has become the main tax incentive the ATO offers innovative companies in Australia, replacing the R&D tax concession. The ATO does a world leading job in defining the eligibility criteria and administering the program, however, the significant complexity and  need for compliance mean that many companies can’t […]

How To Reduce Your Cost of Capital With R&D; Finance

One highly successful technology entrepreneur once described to me the role of a founder as consisting of two things, and two things only: Hiring people and ensuring cash flow. Though hiring will certainly make or break the company in the longer run, cash is indispensable for the company even getting to the long run. The simple […]

Guide to R&D; Finance in Australia

R&D finance, also known as R&D loan, is still a largely uncharted form of finance in Australia. This guide will give you all the details you need to understand the basics of this new form of alternative finance. It will help you figure out if R&D finance  can be useful to you and get the […]

The Complete Guide to Startup & Scale-up Funding in Australia

Startup funding is a topic that’s constantly on entrepreneurs’ minds. In this complete (really) guide we’ve tried to round up every single Australian startup and scale-up financing option in one compact place. With over two hundred useful links and resources, if you still are clueless about how to finance your company after reading this, it’s […]

Brexit’s Impact on UK R&D Funding: What Businesses Should Know

In June 2016, the UK voted in a referendum which decided that the country would leave the European Union, in a process that has become known as “Brexit”. There has been much uncertainty since that time and no one really knows what Brexit really means. It is likely that this will start to become clearer […]

Barclay’s £500m Growth Fund to Help UK SMEs

The Barclay’s £500m growth fund has just launched and is intended to assist small and medium-sized businesses in the North of England and to support the Government’s Northern Powerhouse initiative. The fund has especially favourable terms for logistics, transport and manufacturing companies, helping companies to grow and add new jobs. The fund is meant to […]

How Can R&D; Cashflow Funding Help Your Business?

Small businesses often find cash flow to be a significant challenge. Yet those same businesses may not be taking up options that can help improve their cash flow situation. Many countries offer research and development tax incentives yet there are a lot of companies that are eligible to claim for these, but do not. If […]

Current Impact of Brexit on UK Businesses: Opportunities and Challenges

In June 2016, the UK voted in a referendum to leave the European Union, an activity that is otherwise known as “Brexit”. Since that time there has been a good deal of uncertainty about what that means for UK businesses. This is because the terms of the exit are still under negotiation, and in fact, […]